Lie to me
Media analysis of the first season of a television show “lie to me”
Television reaches a large audience via mass communication.
Directors: Adam Davidson
Writers: Samuel Baum, Josh Singer
Main Actors: Tim Roth, Kelli Williams and Brendan Hines
Producer: Samuel Baum, Brian Grazer, and David Nevins
Studio: Fox
Location: Washington D.C.
Genre: Crime, Drama, and Mystery
Original Music: Doug DE Angelis, Robert Duncan
The television show “Lie to Me” it’s follows Dr. Cal Lightman and his team of experts they specialty its reading body language this group cooperator with local and federal law enforcement and government agencies to investigate the truth beyond there lies.
Dr. Cal Lightman psychologist and expert in body language .He is status is divorced and has a teenage daughter, Emily Lightman.
Dr. Gillian Foster a partner in The Lightman Group her specialty its psychology.
Eli Loker and RIA Torres both of them have the skill to read people. They are co-workers with Dr. Cal Lightman and Dr. Gillian Foster all of them cooperate with Ben Reynolds an FBI agent that helping the Lightman group to discover the truth but through the force.
The Lightman group interview people to detecting deception, lines of question, provocative to get the best result for the case with out losing too much time.
The television show “lie to me” base on a real life scientific of Paul Ekman and his book “Telling Lies” the first thing that indicate for the book his Dr. Cal Ligtman and his background story start over as a result of guiltily over his mother suicide when her story was over experience agony.
Dr. Gillian Foster is based on Dr. Maureen O’Sullivan, a Professor of psychology
Dr. Paul Ekman and Dr. Maureen O’Sullivan both from the University of California at San Francisco.
Dr.Paul was intelligence agent during the Yugoslavia Wars in 1994 and Ira member.
The Main characters
Tim Roth as Dr. Lightman- psychologist expert in body language, micro expressions and the owner of The Lightman Group, has chemistry with
Kelli Williams as Dr. Gillian Foster- Professor of psychology, colleague in The Lightman Group and they are not to let their professional skill interfere with other workers personal live, Brendan Hines as Eli Loker, employee of the lightman group, academically educated and have his skill readying body language of people and then promote to vice president had a chemistry with
Dr. Lightman as a natural talent recognized Monica Raymond as RIA Torres, employee of The Lightman Group her emotions cloud her judgment. She doesn’t have any academic education like Eli Loker.
Hayley McFarland as Emily Lightman playing the teenage daughter of Dr. Cal Lightman who share custody with her mother on Emily Lightman .She is like any teenage girl experience a few relationship with different boys while Dr. Cal Lightman doesn’t like that kind of type of boys. Emily Lightman has a good relationship with her father.
She the first to notices the chemistry between Dr. Gillian foster and Dr .Cal Lightman.
Mekhi Phifer as Ben Reynolds- FBI agent who is support and assist the Lightman Group in their investigations with cases and people and with there personal story’s on the screen.
How: Lie to me come to gives us as a audience to be familiar with our body langue
About Paul Ekman
Paul Ekman received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Adelphi University (1958), after a one-year internship at the Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute. After two years as a Clinical Psychology Officer in the U.S. Army
His research on facial expression and body movement began in 1954, as the subject of his Master’s thesis in 1955 and his first publication in 1957.
Over the next decade, he is growing interest as an evolutionary research on emotion and its expression. Currently, he is the Manager of the Paul Ekman Group, LLC (PEG), and a small company that produces training devices relevant to emotional skills
How the Lightman Group spot lies is largely based on findings from my research. Because it is a drama not a documentary, Dr. Lightman is not as tentative about interpreting behavior as I am. Lies are uncovered more quickly and with more certainty than it happens in reality. But most of what you see is based on scientific evidence. Each show also provocatively raises the complex psychological and ethical issues involved in perpetrating and uncovering lies. [1]
“Mass media seek a broad audience for a typically narrow (and often biased) message that's typically embedded in entertainment or useful information/opinion.. The mass media have a slow news day problem. They have pages and time to fill..”[2]
TV reaches a large audience via mass communication.
Season 1 Episodes 13 Season premiere 21 January 21, 2009, Season finale 13 May, 2009
, #29#, Viewers (in millions) 11.06, Net work Fox
While Season 2, episodes 22 season premiere, 28 September 2009, Season finale 13 September 13,2010, Rank #57#, Viewers (in millions) 7.39,Network Fox.
Season 3, Episodes 13, Season premiere 4 October 2010, Season finale 31 January 2011, Rank #78#, Viewers (in millions) 6.71, Network Fox
The People's Choice Awards is an American awards show recognizing the people and the work of popular culture. The show has been held annually since 1975 and is voted on by the general public.
It airs on Global, on 2011 “lie to me” won Favorite TV Crime Drama and Dr. Cal Littman (Tim Roth) won Favorite TV Crime Fighter.
The series is broadcast on Global as well release to Dvd
Season 1 it really was, when it first appeared. It taught people how to read micro-expressions, comprehend body gestures and differentiate choice of words. In short, it taught people how to spot lies.
Or at least lured the audience into thinking so.
I think the trick is to present the unheard of skills and techniques to the audience and make them think that they are the ones that are actually benefiting from this show.
One fanatic of this show, one like me, can never get tired of the tricks. Personally, I spent lots of time trying to identify the gestures in people’s movements when I was watching Lie To Me season one. It’s simply addictive.
All of a sudden, one became an expert. And that feeling of knowing things really plays the mind tricks. It made one feel like god.
The first episode was particularly remarkable. For the first time in people’s lives, they “discovered” that there is actually science in being able to tell if people are lying. And that case full of money, well, that was the eye-catcher. You see, when “meaningless” and “easy” jobs come with large paychecks that are goanna appeal to normal human beings. People swiftly turn to the show and try to teach them, either to become better lie detector or to become better liars.
However, the show’s golden age ended as the first season finale was over.
Pic1: Dr. Cal Lightman at the office
Dr. Cal Lightman the photo demonstrate a man that focus on his work, we can see that Dr. cal lightman shrink his eyes to focus on better picture its indicate on tired.
The light is blue and signified for darkness
Next to Dr. Cal Lightman there is a screen the showing head and a few small picture on another important parts of the head
On the wall there’s television screen, “The LIGHTMAN GROUP” come to demonstrate power and money. The color of the font for the word “LIGHTMAN” its white, beside of it Dr. Cal Lightman position on the screen its in the middle.
Pic2: Dr. Cal Lightman with Dr. Gillian Foster
Dr. Cal Lightman position focusing on person that connects to the case.
Camera angle medium shot but from the back of shoulder, main focus on Dr. Cal the background a bit blur.
The Lights UN real as u can see both with UN natural shadow on their face.
The position between Dr. Cal Lightman and Dr. Gillian Foster shows for same side most of the shots of them together are not to far from each other.
There is employ in the back of the conversation that his eyes looking to them and he is focusing his hand are in the front its meaning for protecting him self.
Custom Dr. Cal wearing black showing on his mood in that episode.
The television show “Lie to me” have 3 seasons. There is a few times of flashback sequences and a lot of transitions used and most of the television show there is cross cuts (two different scenes shown at the same time) usually its two cases for each two member usually its going by pair of Dr. Cal Lightman and Ria Torres
Dr. Gillian Foster and Eli Looker all of them works for The Lightman Group.
Most of the sound used to convey and set tone and mood for the audience
[1] http://neuronarrative.wordpress.com/2009/01/21/the-truth-about-lie-to-me/
[2] http://brainconnection.positscience.com/content/172_1
First Picture : Dr. Cal Lightman at the office
Link: http://www.tv.com/shows/lie-to-me/photos/all/1
Seconde Picture: Dr. Cal Lightman with Dr. Gillian Foster
Link: http://www.tv.com/shows/lie-to-me/photos/all/17
Cast and Crew
Website: www.tv.com
Link: http://www.tv.com/shows/lie-to-me
Website: Imdb
Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1235099/plotsummary
The book “Telling Lies” by Paul Ekman
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