Directed: Joseph Cedar
Main acters: Shlomo Bar-Aba and Lior Ashkenazi
This is a film about Talmudic research. Talmudic are the ancient writings on jewish law.
Eliezer Shkolnik, played by Shlomo Bar-Aba is a father that is researching the Talmud and believes his work is like an archeologist. He is very dedicated to his work and very traditional.
Uriel Shkolnik, played by Lior Ashkenazi is the successful son who is more modern in his attitudes.
Uriel gets the accolades, the academy membership, the adoring looks from women. Eliezer's biggest triumph is a footnote: his name in the masterwork of a revered scholar.
This is a story of academic maneuvering, misunderstanding and mystery with some passion and intrigue. There is suspense and a big finish.
There are funky graphics, imaginative camerawork and everyday moments of awkwardness and absurdity.
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